Knowledge of God (Part Two)
Here is a second installment of a three-part post series on the knowledge of God. The teaching’s catalyst goes back ears ago, Samantha and I came upon this quote that has stayed around in our lives and home. The quote, a prayer, is from an anonymous source:
May God deliver us from every false thought about the Christian life.
Part One presented a passage that guided our minds through processing when persons function outside the framework and context of knowing God. Part Two reflects the reality that there will be moments that the knowledge of God is disagreed with and meets resistance and, perhaps, hostility.
2. Opposition to the Knowledge of God (2 Corinthians 10:5)
and every arrogant obstacle that is raised up against the knowledge of God,
and we take every thought captive to make it obey Christ.
Paul, writing again to the church at Corinth, is working to defend his ministry among them as a true apostle of the Lord Jesus. Paul underscores that the real fight is not against humankind so, the weapons that are needed are not earthly weapons. (2 Cor. 10:3-4) So, the needed spiritual ‘weapon’ in debating against false teachers and their arguments against the knowledge of God Paul declares is an internal one. We must win the battle by taking “every thought captive to make it obey Christ.” (2 Cor. 10:5)
Yes, the battleground for receiving, believing, and keeping one’s true knowledge of God in a healthy posture is between our ears, that is, in our hearts and minds. It is no coincidence when Paul presents the “armor of God” in Ephesians 6 that the armor piece to protect our head is the “helmet of salvation.” (v. 17) For followers of Christ to entertain information that can create doubt in their salvation through Jesus Christ yes, can work towards good and, in the end, be an avenue of spiritual growth. However, if continually considered that untruth may become a paralyzing doubt that causes a believer to stumble in their discipleship and obedience to the Lord. This “stumbling” will be a choice in which we must take responsibility. We cannot blame the false teacher. It is on us when we do not choose the “weapon” that has been provided. Therefore, it is imperative that we wear God’s helmet to shield ourselves from cognitive wandering and mental insecurity of our salvation in Jesus Christ.
Let’s ask ourselves: has there been a time or times that we have doubted God’s salvation in our lives? When a teenager working to absorb the peer pressure; or after that university biology class that just kept ‘firing’ non-Creator connections; or that religious-Bible discussion with a co-worker at lunch about if heaven and hell exist?
What did you do or where did you go for help to gain back perspective and teaching?
Personally, when in the doubting cycle and struggle, I have gone to reliable pastors or trusted mentors, and they have been a huge help. Yet, primarily, and most paramount, was giving myself unhurried time in reading, studying, and meditating on the Scripture of who God really is has been way to put on or fit more securely the “helmet of salvation” so the thought was taken captive—not able to sit and grow—and following Christ through it was accomplished. I have come to understand, just because I cannot answer someone who raises question or objection to faith in Christ or the Bible does not mean that I am wrong.
Paul’s reality in 1 Corinthians 15 is true for us today. Thus, to succumb to overwhelming doubt or to consider turning away from Truth and to worldly thinking is not the answer. Learning to receive moments of question or accusation about the Lord and the Bible as an invitation to learn and study empowers the opportunity not only to gain knowledge on how to answer but bring rest and assurance in Him. This is how we can live, experience, and fulfill the Scripture of “taking every thought captive.” We then begin to know we are standing mentally and emotionally steadfast in the truth of Christ, His cross, and the Scriptures. Together, they will not only keep you, as a disciple personally on track in your heart and mind but enable you to obey and honor your Lord in His words and actions coming through you.